วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Diary in this week
It looked like a storm

On Monday 20 august, today was an official’s holiday, but Assumption University had class, traffic in today it so good I came to University in early in the morning. I studied English I at 9:30 in the morning after finished class my friends and I had lunch we were choose restaurant for a long time, because my group usually a lot of problems about that. Then we waited for study again at 2 p.m. And I finished class in evening. So today I was so tired

On Tuesday, I had only one subject in a day. I studied English I at 9:30 in the morning and after finished class I had lunch with my friends. Then I waited until midday, because I had prepare for quiz in Economic with my brother, I’m so confuse in some chapter we were still until 3 p.m. After that I went to “The Mall” Bangkapi for paid high speed Internet at True shop and I came home.

On Wednesday, today I have quiz Economic at 5 p.m. I’m so worry about that, because of I don’t understand it all and in midterm I got low points, but I tried to do this. I studies Economic and after class I had lunch and read a books until 2 p.m. and I came in law class. After that I walked to P’ building from C’ building and read something before came in room. Then while I stayed in room tension came to me….? And I can’t to do this, so I thought I fail in this subject. I knew points in Wednesday in next week if I got low points I will drop in this subject it better.

On Thursday, today I have quiz in English I I’m so excited, because I not sure in many chapter. While I came in ABAC in front of S’ building people in class they are talked about The Firm so I jammed and always listed. Then while I quiz in class I’m so serious and I don’t know many thing I can’t remember. So after finished I’m so worry about that, maybe I got low points and then I had lunch with my friends we are ate “BKK steak” at in front of ABAC. After that I played game play station ten minute and my MOM called me and told went to “THE MALL” for registration UBC in True shop.

On Friday, I had only one subject Economic. I came in class I don’t have power points in chapters, because I didn’t load in computer. Today pretty teacher she teaches very fast Oh!
It so bad for me I don’t understand many things I head aches so much. After class I had lunch, but I don’t ate anything, while my friends ate I little hungry, but I looked around I saw pretty women
I looked her so I can’t eat foods, because I always saw her and she was lunch for me.

On Saturday, I stayed at home all day ate and sleep all the time.

On Sunday, I studies R.O.C.T at military school. Today it so hot I boring so much and I went to by bus, traffics it goods I arrived early and had lunch with my friends and waited studies. Then and afternoon it rains until 4 p.m. that perfect for me, because I didn’t tire I always sat on the chair and didn’t do anything. After finished my family picked me at military school and we are came to “Kong tom markets” we are walked around for shopping and we are came back to “Pratunam” for shopping and to rains came again it so bad I and my mother and young sister waited my father picked and we are came home by my car. Finally we are dinner at Foot Street
restaurant and came home.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Week 3

On Monday 13 August, I woke up at 7:30 in the morning. This day is a official holiday, But Assumption University had class. Then I went to University with a good traffic, I love this so much. I need that everyday, but it impossible. I studies English I, while I'm waiting for a time to study. Kiwi was called to me and asked me "where are you? “ Wow! Kiwi was come to class it impossible. I don’t believe that. When the time up. I had lunch with my friends at C building and we are didn’t knew .What we will do, so we were played games in A game store until 2 p.m. and we are came into the class.

On Tuesday, I woke up at 7:30 in the morning and went to University. While I'm waiting
for a class. Kiwi called me again and told me maybe he came in class late, because his wheels car was blowout, Ho! And sure he didn’t come. After class today I didn’t ate lunch with my friends, because my father to took me. Then I ate lunch with my parents at home.

On Wednesday, I woke up early in the morning and I went to University by my car.
Today the traffic jams. I studies Economic at 8 a.m. and after class Tearn ( Peerunthorn ) called to me and asked me where are you? So I invited him had lunch with me. He didn’t studies Economic with me. After that we were played games that game was a football game, because my friend in my groups played with Tearn before this time and Tearn lose.

On Tuesday, I studies English I at 9:30 in the morning this day class finished early, because has some body went to Bangna campus. After class finished we are thought ate pork noodle. Because this day my group need that. But my friend, Non, He's Muslimism. He can’t eat pork. Before we had a lunch. We went to my faculty club. Suddenly we see my friend, Non, It make me wonder. He invited us to have a lunch with him. He's Muslimism. He can’t eat pork. He needs to have lunch with the same as everyday. But we didn't want that He was angry me and didn’t talk to me. After lunch I came home.

On Friday, I woke up early in the morning, because of my mother called me for search some documents. But it spends a lot of time to found that. Then I went to University I studies Economic at 8:00 in the morning and after class teacher gave an assignment. But send it on today, Oh! I done it until midday and had lunch with my friends. In the lunch time conversation. We were talking about Non. My friend yesterday. Who didn't have a lunch time with my groups. In my opinion he was angered us.

On Saturday, my father woke up me at 6:00, because of computer it can’t opened I edit after every thing OK I slept again and at two time I woke up at 9:00 in the morning. Then
I help my father repair something in my car and at midday we are went to “Knongtom”
for bought accessories in my car and to drop in Big C for bought bicycle for my young sister she so happy. After that we are came home and prepare repair my car.

On Sunday, I and my parents went to “Bang San beach at Chonburee” early morning by my car. While I went to Bang San I had breakfast on the side rode and I arrived on the beach I walked around beach and sit somewhere on the beach.
Then I and my young sister had swim on the beach about 11 a.m. it so hot, but after came in beach not many more my young sister she so happy until midday I had lunch side beach. After that we are take a shower then we are looked my skin it changed Oh! We are wonder, black skin No so bad. And we are bought an oyster and came home we are so tired.

วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

The Firm

Chapter 1

Mitchell Y. McDeere. He was twenty-five years old. He graduates in the top five from Harvard law school. He had Abby as his wife and she beautiful, after Mitch graduated he wanted it all and he wanted to succeed. Then he was to leave Harvard.
Two firms in New York and in Chicago were interested him. The highest was $76,000 and the lowest was $68,000. And the firm in Memphis interested him and offered Mitch $80,000 and offered everything Mitch wanted. He was interested so much they are dreaming in the future.
The law firm in Memphis specializes in international tax law and Mitch enjoy of it. The Firm started in 1944 and there are only forty-one members in all. They are get one new member every two years.


Associate = (v) to make a connection between people or things in your mind, (n.) a person that you work with, do business with or spend a lot of time with.
Partner = (n) one of the people who owns a business and share the profit.
Specializes = (V) to become an expert in a particular area of work.
Obviously = (adv.) used when giving information that you expect other people to know already or agree with
Rarely = (adv.) not very often

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Week 2

On Monday 6 August 2007, I got up at 8:00 in the morning and I went to University. I went to University by bus today traffic jam so much, because of the first day of this week I thought it usually Monday and Friday traffic jam more than any days. I studies
English I at 9:30 in the morning and after I finish class I had lunch with my friends, but some my friends in group they are class cancel in this morning. And than after I had lunch I waited for studies again until 2 p.m. I came in class, but teacher didn’t come and some body told went to auditorium room, because today was Rapee’s Day.
After that I came in had agents of constitutionality they are talked about new constitution about 2 hours. And after finish I had class at 5 p.m. and I walked to C building I saw my friends played basketball some of my friends didn’t came in the auditorium room, because they are waited for horoscope teacher in faculty of law he professional about horoscope and a lot of students came him and in this day faculty of law had a many of activity. Then at 5 p.m. we are came in class and waited teacher for a long time, but she didn’t come and member of faculty came in class and gave assignment to student and we are came home.

On Tuesday, I got up at 8:00 in the morning and went to University. Today I had only one subject, I studies English I at 9:30 in the morning and after class I had lunch with my friends and I came home. After that on the evening my friend called me and told me on Wednesday University to stop learned, because of on Wednesday will be Federation International Sport University.

On Wednesday, I didn’t set alarm, but I got up at 8:00 in the morning I’m so sad I though I will got up late. So after I got up I played computer in early morning until midday. After that I take shower and then I washed my car and repair something.

On Thursday, I got up at 8:00 in the morning and I went to University I studies English I after finished class I had lunch with my friends and I came home by bus. Then I stayed at home and I read a book in law subject and then I played computer until 5 p.m. and I prepare food after that my parents came home we are had dinner

On Friday, in this morning I so sad, because last night I set alarm on my mobile phone, but something wrong it didn’t alarm. I start got up at 7:20 in the morning and I took a shower quickly, before I went to University my mother forgot to give money oh! No I had money 40 baths in my wallet, OK 40 baths for today, but fortunately today I had only one subject and while I went to University to shower and traffic jam I arrived University at 8:15 in the morning and I quickly came in Economic class. Then after I finished class I came home, 40 baths it pay for only carfare.

On Saturday, I got up at 8:00 in the morning now a day I usually got up at early morning and I had breakfast and at 10 a.m. I went to child of Philanthropic Foundation, because of it had some activity and my neighbor came with me I watched child dance and played some game and I take a photograph child so happy and I thought it good thing. After that while I came home I had lunch near roadside.

On Sunday, today was Mother’s Day that important for Thai people very much. In this day I got up early morning and I watched news on TV, then at late I washed my car for prepare went to outside. And then I ate noodles with my family at in front of my village. After that at midday I went to CARREFOUR super store by my car for shopping and bought some foods for prepare in this dinner. Finally I came home I spend for shopping about 3 hours I arrived my home I repair something my car and motorcycle until the time before dusk and I had dinner with my family.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Diary week1

Week 1

On Monday 30 July 2007, this day was official holiday. I got up at 6 o’clock in the morning today in my village it so quiet and I and my mother to put food in the blows of Buddhist priests in the morning in front of my home. And then I still stayed
at home all day played games computer and game playstation. After that the time before dusk I rode my motorcycle to in front of my village for bought foods for dinner
and I had dinner. Then I watched news on TV and take shower I goes to bed at 4 p.m.
before I sleepy I talked on the phone.

On Tuesday, this day was official holiday and the Buddhist Lent day. By the way Assumption University started after midterm examination finished. Today I got up at 7:30 in the morning and I went to University this day it goods traffic doesn’t same every day I’m so boring traffic jam. I studied English I at 9:30 in English I subject started in new book or new story it about. ”The Firm” I thought it good for students for lawyer, because knew the some words and it could use in some subject. After class I had lunch with my friends and I came home for a while I came home was raining I wet a little.

On Wednesday, I got up at 6:30 in the morning and I went to University quickly
I thought this day sure traffic jam, because today started for this week after long holiday. I studied Economic at 8:00 in the morning in this class teacher told the points
for the midterm examination after I knew the points it bad news for me, because I got
low points so much I’m so sad. After class I had lunch and talked about the points all the times and then I and my friends thought we played games for to let it off or feel better, because we are so serious, but it a little to help. Then we played for a time in the games store Police came in and show the warrant of search and take a picture they are talked about copyright. After that I leave to the games store and studied again until
evening and came home. I thought I had a bad day I to be unlucky.

On Thursday, I got up at 7:30 in the morning and I went to University. I studied English I at 9:30 in the morning today I had only one subject and I finished at 11:00 in the morning than I had lunch with my friends and I came home. After that I came home and I change my uniform and went to out side again with my mother and my young sister, because my young sister she wanted to swimming at “THE MALL”.
And than we are arrived at swimming pool and change swimming suit and came in the pool and I invited my young sister to played slider it tall, she said yes, but while
we are walked to the 5 floor fear it became she changed your mind and she said no and walked down. We are stayed in the pool about two hours than we are finished and walked around “THE MALL” and came home.

On Friday, I got up early morning, because I had Economic subject at 8:00 in the morning. I arrived at ABAC at 8:00 just enough I so tired, because I waited the bus for a long time and traffic jam. And after finished class I had lunch with my friends
and I came home.

On Saturday, today I so happiness, because I will shot a gun with my father and father’s friends. I got up early in the morning and went to the my father’s office for
met friends and went to “THE ROYAL TURF CLUB OF BANGKOK” at Vipavadee road. Than we are arrived and came in I saw many guns and a lot of class they are weapon for war all of this it about 10 gun barrel. So we are spent time about 3 hours
and we are bought the gift and we went to coffee café and talked about weapon and than every body moved of hear. Finally I and my father came home.

On Sunday, I got up at 8:30 in the morning and I prepared for went to studied at Military school while I got up I to be hurt my arm I thought maybe yesterday I shot gun. And than I went to Military school at 10:30 in the morning when I arrived I came in a roll of troops and soldiers check hair and uniform and check me they are said I long hair, but I told I cut it off they are don’t hear I’m so sad. So I take off to cut hair at barber and a lot of long hair people and I waited for a long time until 4 P.M. I don’t cut my hair yet. Finally I and my friends thought came in troops they are never mind even though I and my friends don’t cut hair it off, this day to be well all they don’t done any thing sat and waited all day.