วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Diary week1

Week 1

On Monday 30 July 2007, this day was official holiday. I got up at 6 o’clock in the morning today in my village it so quiet and I and my mother to put food in the blows of Buddhist priests in the morning in front of my home. And then I still stayed
at home all day played games computer and game playstation. After that the time before dusk I rode my motorcycle to in front of my village for bought foods for dinner
and I had dinner. Then I watched news on TV and take shower I goes to bed at 4 p.m.
before I sleepy I talked on the phone.

On Tuesday, this day was official holiday and the Buddhist Lent day. By the way Assumption University started after midterm examination finished. Today I got up at 7:30 in the morning and I went to University this day it goods traffic doesn’t same every day I’m so boring traffic jam. I studied English I at 9:30 in English I subject started in new book or new story it about. ”The Firm” I thought it good for students for lawyer, because knew the some words and it could use in some subject. After class I had lunch with my friends and I came home for a while I came home was raining I wet a little.

On Wednesday, I got up at 6:30 in the morning and I went to University quickly
I thought this day sure traffic jam, because today started for this week after long holiday. I studied Economic at 8:00 in the morning in this class teacher told the points
for the midterm examination after I knew the points it bad news for me, because I got
low points so much I’m so sad. After class I had lunch and talked about the points all the times and then I and my friends thought we played games for to let it off or feel better, because we are so serious, but it a little to help. Then we played for a time in the games store Police came in and show the warrant of search and take a picture they are talked about copyright. After that I leave to the games store and studied again until
evening and came home. I thought I had a bad day I to be unlucky.

On Thursday, I got up at 7:30 in the morning and I went to University. I studied English I at 9:30 in the morning today I had only one subject and I finished at 11:00 in the morning than I had lunch with my friends and I came home. After that I came home and I change my uniform and went to out side again with my mother and my young sister, because my young sister she wanted to swimming at “THE MALL”.
And than we are arrived at swimming pool and change swimming suit and came in the pool and I invited my young sister to played slider it tall, she said yes, but while
we are walked to the 5 floor fear it became she changed your mind and she said no and walked down. We are stayed in the pool about two hours than we are finished and walked around “THE MALL” and came home.

On Friday, I got up early morning, because I had Economic subject at 8:00 in the morning. I arrived at ABAC at 8:00 just enough I so tired, because I waited the bus for a long time and traffic jam. And after finished class I had lunch with my friends
and I came home.

On Saturday, today I so happiness, because I will shot a gun with my father and father’s friends. I got up early in the morning and went to the my father’s office for
met friends and went to “THE ROYAL TURF CLUB OF BANGKOK” at Vipavadee road. Than we are arrived and came in I saw many guns and a lot of class they are weapon for war all of this it about 10 gun barrel. So we are spent time about 3 hours
and we are bought the gift and we went to coffee café and talked about weapon and than every body moved of hear. Finally I and my father came home.

On Sunday, I got up at 8:30 in the morning and I prepared for went to studied at Military school while I got up I to be hurt my arm I thought maybe yesterday I shot gun. And than I went to Military school at 10:30 in the morning when I arrived I came in a roll of troops and soldiers check hair and uniform and check me they are said I long hair, but I told I cut it off they are don’t hear I’m so sad. So I take off to cut hair at barber and a lot of long hair people and I waited for a long time until 4 P.M. I don’t cut my hair yet. Finally I and my friends thought came in troops they are never mind even though I and my friends don’t cut hair it off, this day to be well all they don’t done any thing sat and waited all day.
